I’ve been making some pinwheel blocks (Fabric: Bliss by Bonnie & Camille for Moda–Pattern “Paper Roses” by Joanna Figueroa)…this block with the red and paisley might just be my favorite…
Oh, but I love these four too…
And the red floral on blue background with the aqua dots…I ♥ it too! Finished quilt top coming soon to a blog near you!
Meg says
Omg, omg, omg! Every new glimpse of Bliss is so exciting!! Such gorgeous pinwheels–I love the paisley in your favorite block!
Stephanie says
Blissful! Gorgeous colors, prints, and block.
Melissa C says
Pure Bliss. Love your pinwheels, looks like it has been a fun party.
NancyNoBlogBlogs says
Your bliss pinwheels are just gorgeou!
Marjan says
These pinwheels are just so beautiful… I love them, Sherri!
Connie says
OH MY….love your pinwheels, Beautiful!HAPPYSEWING
Jane says
Really pretty! Looking forward to seeing the finished quilt.
Sewn With Grace says
Pinwheels just make me happy, reminding me of summer time, icecream and bike riding! Beautiful as always!
Crafty Mama says
Beautiful! And I am so jealous you have Bliss already!! ☺
Quilt Hollow says
Ok…you made me want Bliss! When is it out?
Barb says
I just love the pinwheels…
Sinta Renee says
You are playing with the cutest fabrics… no wonder the blocks are ALL your favorites! I love pinwheels anyway. Looks like a great marriage of pattern and fabric:)
CupCakeCutie says
Wow beautiful!
John'aLee says
Hi Sherri, thanks for coming over to my blog. I always just get a 'kick' of joy when I bring your page up. Your pinwheel blocks are scrumptious. I wish I could just grab them up, and bring them over to my studio!!
Trisha says
This is going to be such a beautiful quilt!
Terriaw says
Oolala, love them! I especially love that combo with the red and pink fabrics. Pinwheels are so fun to make. I'm liking this block you are using where the points of the pinwheels stick out past each other, giving it more movement.
Nicole says
I had sworn off pinwheels (don't ask), but seeing your blocks has made me do a complete turn around!
A Gardner's Cottage says
What a cheerful quilt this will be! Love the fabric!!! Can't wait to see the finished top.
Janet says
Very pretty pinwheel blocks! I look forward to seeing the finished top.
Sue-Anne says
Every block looks so beautiful, I wouldn't be able to choose a favourite.
Nedra says
Really cute pinwheels! Love the fabric line.
Vickie E says
Carol says
Those pinwheels are all wonderful…I couldn't possibly pick a favorite. LOVE them!
Sheri Howard says
That bliss is pretty isn't it? I think it is my favorite one they have done.
Kelly O. says
you're making me covet that fabric! 🙂
Sandra Henderson says
Lovely. So bright and cheerful.
I'm so glad that ONE of us is getting something done! 🙂
No, I'm making progess, just never fast enough. XO
Carol says
I just love your blocks. I am wondering when Bliss will be out too.
About Me says
Oh Sherri,
Once again, you don't diasppoint us!Thanks for sharing your inspiration.
annieb says
Those are beautiful pinwheels, and that fabric…beyond blissful!!!!
What is there about "pinwheels"–I love pinwheels too–your's are to die for–love all those colors!!
Makes me want to get right off this thing and go to my sewing room and "pinwheel" away!!!
Hugs, Di
Kathleen says
love, love, love your pinwheels! that fabric is soooo pretty!
Maree: says
oohh aahh these Fabrics are Just Divine…your blocks are soo cute.
Dawn says
Love the look of these colors… have just bought the pattern and am looking for fabric, youv'e inspired me to look at a diferent color… red… thanks
hugs Dawn x x x
La Mañosa says
Wow, this is so beautiful! I just fell in the love with your fabric selection but can't seem to find it online (how is that possible?). I'll have to keep my eyes open for it. Great choice of fabrics and pattern!
Carol says
You're so lucky getting the Bliss fabric. Perfect fabric for the cute little pinwheels.
Karen says
You are a lucky girl to be playing with such gorgeous fabric. Love the contrast agains the white. Can't wait to see the whole thing.
amy smart says
These are adorable, Sherri. I can't wait to see that Bliss fabric.
Chris says
love Love LOVE L>O>V>E> this fabric and the pinwheels!! I just did a quilt-along with Rachel of psiquilt and one of my blocks was that pattern…so cute. Can't wait to get some "Bliss"! Your pictures are so inspiring!
Rae Ann says
Incredibly cute… I LOVE them! The colors are just wonderful.
Denise in PA says
That is going to be one beautiful quilt! The Bliss fabric is gorgeous and I just love those pinwheels o:)
Mary Ann says
Wow, these blocks are simply gorgeous!!! Both the fabric and the cute pin-wheel pattern…I think I may have to do a bit of research here….!!!!
Rene' says
These pinwheels are just fabulous!!! Love this Bliss fabric!
Glenna at Hollyhock Quilts says
Gorgeous, Sherri! Can't wait to see the finished project—
Jane's Fabrics and Quilts says
I also have a "thing" for pinwheels, just beautiful, so soft and pretty!
trelly says
beautiful blocks and beautiful fabrics too!!! congrats
Abby says
These blogs are so pretty. Love this line and the pattern. Why do you get all the new lines so early? Are you sewing this for a designer? LUCKY YOU!
happy zombie says
I'm gasping! Those are the prettiest pinwheels every. I can't wait to see the whole thing… drooling madness going on here!
the Material Girls Quilts says
Can't wait to get the Bliss!! and pinwheels~perfect combination!
Kim D. says
What a great name for those yummy fabrics, they are blissful alright. Love the reds and light blues together.
Diane Duda says
Kim Walus says
Love, Love, Love, this quilt. It's just darling and the fabric adds to the beauty of the block. This quilt is definitely going to be a keeper.
Cacau Jafet says
Oi Amiga! Seu blog é um encanto!!!
Micki says
Your blocks are just beautiful!
Hi! My name is erica. Would you be my friend? says
I love them all, but I'm going to have to go with the aqua dots! 🙂
Momma Made This says
I just now stumbled across your blog, and you had me at your first sentence. Red and paisley; my favorite color and favorite design.
~ Ronda (your newest follower)
JarrettLoaiza087481 says
ivoryspring says
Oh, these blocks are blissfully beautiful!
Mel says
VERY charming!! The fabs are darling!!
Qubie says
Wow! I really like these pinwheels. Not sure how she did it out of a charm. Smaller block size than the 12" I've seen.
Sachiko says
They are so pretty!! I love the color palett, you truly have great sense for colors Sherri!
Cindy says
You are just as bright and cheery as the photos, Sherri. I never leave your blog sad. You are a special blessing to me.
Magnolia Bay Quilts says
Very sweet! That fabric line is crazy cute! Gotta have it.
Cris A says
These are truly beautiful, I love the bright, cheery, springy colors!
Gigi Minor says
Wow! I wish I knew how to quilt! I've never even tried! But when would I find the time…and then what fairy would make pin toppers? I do so enjoy all of the quilting blogs out there! It inspires me! Thanks Sherri! You're awesome!
Sophie says
Hi Sherri,
A friend on our (the American Quilter's Society) Facebook Fan Page listed your blog as her favorite quilting blog so we had to come back for another visit. You have great projects and a lovely blog, keep up the good work- we hope to see more from you in the future!
Teala says
I love, love, love pinwheels!! I have been stalking your blog for some time and saw you last week at the track meet in your little town. I soooo wanted to stop and talk to you but didn't want to be a creepy stalker! 🙂 Maybe next time?? I do love all of your quilts and hope to someday meet you and LEARN from you.
prashant says
That fabric line is crazy cute! Gotta have it.
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belinda says
Ouch!..Ouch!!! These are so cute they are hurting me Sherri!!!
Kim G says
Love this block and the fabric!! What size is it and where can I find the instructions for it?
Sherri says
Hi Kim G…I couldn't reply to your question…so I'm hoping you'll come back and read this comment. The block is an 8" block, and the pattern is "Paper Roses" by Fig Tree & Company. There is a link to the pattern right at the beginning of the post…and I believe FatQuarterShop also carries this. Hope that helps! Have a great day!