Happy Saturday! Today I’d like to share a fun site with you that will help you best utilize the fabric in your stash. The site is called Pattern Jam, and is the genius of Emily Taylor.
Here is some key information about the site from Emily:
The front page of her web site features a YouTube video which will give you all of the information you need to get started using the site. Basically, you can design your own quilt or use a designer pattern found on the site. Then you can preview new and upcoming designer fabric in your chosen quilt pattern (and remember, this summer you’ll also be able to upload fabrics from your stash in order to preview how they’ll look in your chosen pattern). It’s simple and it’s free!
When I first spoke with Emily about Pattern Jam last winter, she sent me some of her beautiful Vintage Verona fabrics to play with. I had fun making a simple quilt alternating snowballs and nine-patch blocks.
I used Moda Snuggles on the back for this one…love it!
So…I have a bundle of 16 Vintage Verona fat quarters for a giveaway. To enter the giveaway you’ll need to do two things:
- Create an account on PatternJam, and then send Emily an email from the contact form on the website telling her that you found patternjam.com through A Quilting Life.
- Come back and leave a comment here.
That’s all! I’ll keep the giveaway open through May 21st so you’ll have plenty of time.
Thanks so much for stopping by!
scottylover says
Oh, this looks like so much fun! I can't wait to get started playing and planning!
Sandy A
Wendy says
Cool site! I am looking forward to playing over there 🙂 Thanks for the give away!
caribousmom (at) aol.com
Michelle Olsen Sasak says
I joined the site and sent the email 🙂 Thanks for the chance to win! mto2golsen (at) gmail (dot) com
KMSC says
I joined PatternJam. This site looks like fun! And thanks for the giveaway.
kristie says
okay…played with it this morning…It is really cool. Love how it gives you yardages and you get to pick your fabrics..and FREE!!! Hope to see more blocks and fabrics added.
Donna says
Super Cool Site! Thanks for sending me over to patternjam.
Lee says
I set up an acct at Pattern Jam and sent a note I found them through your blog! I love their shop! thanks!
Pamela Neal says
Thinks for this giveaway! PatternJam looks like a very cool way to design a quilt!
Sorcha girl says
My account has been opened at Pattern Jam after exploring its possibilities and I'm looking forward to using it to "color" quilts from my stash. Thanks for the chance in the giveaway.
Lynne Tilley says
Wow, what a neat place. I'm going to be playing with that website a lot. Thanks for the introduction!
Katie says
I registered with pattern jam. What a creative idea. I can totally see myself using it for future quilts, as I struggle with picking fabrics to use with specific patterns. Thanks for telling us about it!
katie at dekabyte dot com
Patricia says
I am registered with Pattern Jam and left a message there.
glassbylindi.blogspot.com says
This is a really nice site. I signed up and look forward to using it. L
sophie says
I registered, created a quilt and then … couldn't login to see it. It seems there are still a few bugs to be worked out …
DebraKay Neiman says
I am registered and e-mail sent. love the build a pattern. crystalbluern at onlineok dot com
SheriR says
Thanks for the link to Pattern Jam. It will really come in handy with all my projects.
Dyann Cox says
Pattern Jam is the best idea ever! It looks like fun, I can't wait to try it! Thanks:)
Quilting Tangent says
Great site, love to create quilts.
MaryBeth Little says
I've discovered Pattern Jam and created an account. I really LOVE the quilting pattern you used on you quilt. Is it a pantogram? If so, what's the name?
Karen says
I've had a Pattern Jam account for a while and look forward to the new feature where we will be able to upload fabric from our stash!
Trisha Kind says
Thanks for sharing Pattern Jam .. looks very informative & educational plus fun! Patti K kountrypat at Hotmail dot com
Kath says
I tried using Pattern Jam a while ago and had problems so I just gave up. I'm really glad to hear there's a revision in the works – I'm anxious to give it another try. I did send Emily a message from site contact form.
ktsquilt [at]gmail [dot]com
Susie'sfun2 says
Just spent some time at Pattern Jam. This is a really neat site and I will enjoy playing with patterns and sizes, I think it will be most helpful. I thank you for letting me know about the site as I was unaware. I will be sure to pass it on to my fellow quilt buddies I my Sewing Sewciety ( FSS the Florida Sewing Sewciety ) thank you Sheri! ?
Sue Parks
Shirley S says
Signed up – looks like a wonderful site. Thank you for the opportunity to win a great giveaway.
Vicki H says
I registered with PatternJam and sent them an email.
Alesha Klein says
Joined the site and sent the e-mail, thanks for the giveaway!
Katy M says
I joined the site and sent an email to Emily – thanks for the introduction, the site looks great! And thanks for the chance to win x
HeatherK @ A Reformed Heath'n says
I've played around with this site before and I lost all track of time =)
HeatherK @ A Reformed Heath'n says
I've played around with this site before and I lost all track of time =)
StanleyBeagle says
Thanks for the giveaway. I created an account and now I'm going to play
Susan McGlasson says
This looks like a great site for beginners to give them some design help. Can't wait to start! Thanks for the chance to win such a pretty bundle!
Polly says
I signed up and sent Emily an email. Thanks for yet another great service for quilters. This is a great idea.
Jennifer Carlton says
Patternjam looks fun! I registered and sent her an email. Thanks for the giveaway!
Cindy Mizer says
Really cool site. Love the music and the concept.
Jackie says
I have registered and sent my email! What a cool site, thanks for sharing, looks like a lot of fun, I will visit often!
Margaret says
I registered and had fun playing.
OhioLori says
I signed up & sent an email to Emily! 🙂 Thanks for chance to win your give-a-way!
mlhummy says
This was a great site! I played for over an hour!!
Brenda says
Thanks for the referral, Sherri. Didn't have time to play tonight, but have the site bookmarked and did create an account. Brenda
P.S. I want to make your quilt. It's so much fun to stare at the pictures.
Kathy E. says
I have been a registered user on PatternJam for quite a while and love it! It's quite amazing what you can do there with color and design! I did leave a comment for Emily telling me you sent me!
Dody says
Great site,I'm going back to play some more now. Thanks for the giveaway!
Di Hunter says
Hi Sherri. What a brilliant idea of Emily's. Its perfect for me who stresses I might make the wrong decision about colour placement and matching. and consequently spends more time thinking than doing! Thanks for sharing it with me.
Aimee Shelton says
I just registered with PatternJam – I can't wait to use it to create something amazing!!
Stacy says
I already have an account on Pattern Jam. Hope that still counts for the giveaway!
Tammy Morales says
Thanks for the opportunity to enter. I have registered with patternjam and look forward to trying out the design tools
Tammy Morales says
Thanks for the opportunity to enter. I have registered with patternjam and look forward to trying out the design tools
CJ says
Registered and played around…created two quilts! So much fun! Great idea. I hope she adds more Designer patterns and blocks as well as entire fabric collections. Thanks for sharing this.
pajtr says
Hi, Sherri!
What fun!!
I congratulated Emily on a great idea, and exciting website!
I told her that I found patternjam.com through you, at A Quilting Life… and have joined the fun and created an account!
Thank you!!
Happy creating/happy stitches,
Pat T.
SoozeM says
Pooh looks fantastic, I'll sit down later tonight and have a really good play! I left a message for Emily.
Kathy S. says
Very cool! It was much easier to use than my purchased software. Thanks for the chance to win.
Theresa Henderson says
vintage verona is one of my favorite lines ever
sent a message to Pattern Jam
Paula K. says
Addictive! Paula K.
Marla's Crafts says
Looks like a interesting site. I was trying to register but would not except my email. I sent them a message that you posted. I hope to get it to work. Love seeing your work Krista.
delaineelliott says
This site is awesome! Great idea. Thanks!
Please click on the delaineelliott above for my email link.
Denise Finucane says
What a cool cite! Thank you Sherri for blogging about it. I've created an account and bookmarked the site so I can use it for future quilt plans.
Teresa in Music City says
Thanks for hooking us up with Pattern Jam! It is going to be such a wonderful tool. I had a ball playing with the blocks and fabrics 🙂 Thanks for the great giveaway too – such lovely fabrics!
Jessica says
I signed up for Pattern Jam. How cool is that design your own quilt tool! powersjlc (at) gmail (dot) com . Thanks for the chance!
Cathy says
I'm so glad I checked out the website. I'm signed up and sent a email thanking them for sharing the site.
Kelly C. Pompa says
What a great idea! I signed up at Pattern Jam. I love the idea that I can create an item and choose the fabric all at once and be able to envision the end result!! So much easier than in my imagination! Thank you for sharing!
Renea says
I contacted Pattern Jam. I was already signed up. Thanks for the awesome giveaway.
SewBusyQuilting says
Cool site! Signed up and sent them an email.
Thanks for the chance.
cathy says
Wonderful site. I plan to start playing as soon as school is out, but I may not be able to wait till then…
sisylyn2 says
New to quilting which will make this a great way to plan a quilt
Marie Chat says
Thanks for the tip on this site. It really is an innovative idea and the site is amazing. Thanks!
wendy says
Thanks for leading me to patternjam. I am in the midst of making a baby quilt and could use a bit of help. I think this may be an answer to my problem of making a decision on block choice. Thank you!
Pauline Perry says
I am so glad that I entered this giveaway – I cannot wait to play with that build your own quilt gismo. I hope that I sent my message to Emily correctly. Thanks
perry94022 at hotmail dot com
dhjax1 says
What an absolutely wonderful and useful tool. I look forward to playing around with the quilt design tool and using it to come up with some awesome new ideas for quilts to make…. A dear older lady friend of my moms taught me to quilt after I lost my dad suddenly and unexpectedly and almost a decade and a half later I'm even more in love with the hobby than I would have believed possible. I absolutly love beautiful fabrics and completely adore the bundle that you are giving away and would love to win and be able to use the program to create a beautiful quilt with them….love what you made! Thanks for the chance to win! Dh_jax@yahoo.com
hiyacinth says
I signed up for the newsletter. Looks interesting.
marcia kerstetter says
Thanks so much for making us aware of PattternJam!
I had such fun playing and exploring it!
And thanks for the give away.
GranChris says
This will be a fun site to play at. Thanks for the link.
gailss says
Pattern Jam looks to be a very good site and am going to try designing a pattern…..thank you Sherri
Betsy says
I created an account.
Chelsea says
Registered! Fun site to play around on!
Helen says
Thanks for sharing!!! I set up an account and can't wait to upload my fabric from my stash to see how it will look in various patterns.
June Garner says
PatternJam looks very interesting. I sent Emily a message and asked her a couple of questions.
Robbienae says
Thanks for sharing the Pattern Jam website. What a great idea, and I have already designed 3 quilts. The fabrics in your give away are lovely!
Elaine Walker says
I set up an account and credited you for making it available. I look forward to using Patternjam in the future.
lag123 says
I joined and sent the email. Thank you very much!!
lag110 at mchsi dot com
Emily Kim says
Done! Joined and emailed!
Kate/Massachusetts says
What a great website! Thank you for sharing it! I did register but I didn't see a way to tell her you sent me. Your snowballs and nine patch quilt is stunning!
Charlie DiSante says
What a cool site. Looking forward to experimenting over there. Thanks!
Charliedisante@nazmail.com or @gmail.com
Charlie DiSante says
I did sign up!
Regina says
Looks very interesting. I signed up and sent a contact form. Thanks for the tip.
Rebecca Danielle says
Pattern Jam looks like it will be a great help in "previewing" quilt design and fabrics! I signed up and sent an email.
Thanks for the recommendation and giveaway!
Monica says
Hello, I've signed up on the email list for patternjam.com. Thank you for sharing her information.
Cathy says
What a fun design tool! I signed up and sent the message. Thanks for sharing.
suzannevh says
I've signed up, thanks.
Kath says
I've already had an account with PatternJam and I did send a feedback form. ktsquiltdreams@gmail.com
Kath says
I've already had an account with PatternJam and I did send a feedback form. ktsquiltdreams@gmail.com
Patty D from NC says
I went to visit PatternJam. I like how easy it is to add fabric
Lea Ann Sager says
Thank you for sharing PatternJam site. Love it and yours!
PK Sews says
Hi Sherri! I registered at Pattern Jam and played for awhile. Thanks for the recommendation! What fun! I also sent an email to Emily.
Sandra says
Just registered with Pattern Jam and it looks like great fun!
Jody Morris says
I love Pattern Jam! Thank you for the link and the chance to win!
Nancy says
What a great site. I look forward to working on a quilt I am attempting to design.
EMC says
What can I say? I love your style! Thanks for sharing, EMC
Deborah Harvey says
What a great site! I look forward to seeing more of PatternJam.