Happy June…I know we’re half-way through the month, but it seems like I’m just getting started with my June organizing goals. I like to organize in January and again at the start of summer, and this week I’ve been busy making quilt kits from my own stash! My Simply Color jelly roll will soon be a quilt after a few months of sitting on the cutting table!
Three of my “quilt kits” are pictured here, but I actually cut out six quilts this week and have them bagged up with their respective patterns–ready to sew!!!
And have you seen Baby Jane? I heart this fabric truly!
There isn’t a print or pattern in the collection that I don’t absolutely love…and there are text prints…perhaps some of my favorite text prints ever. I’m posting at the Moda Cutting Table today (you can see a sneek peek of the text prints over there along with some Moda Bella color combos for this collection)!
What do you do in June to get organized for summer? I’d love to hear some of your ideas!
Thanks so much for stopping by!
Kate says
Six quilts! That's impressive, I've been cutting out the one since February! Loving Baby Jane, I've just ordered some after seeing it on a few blogs.
Nedra says
I like your idea of pre-cutting quilts out and having them all ready to sew. Lori Holt does that too. I am usually so anxious to get going that I haven't disciplined myself enough to wait and just cut out several projects at a time. You've inspired me!
Michelle Jensen says
What a great idea. You are so ambitious to have six!! Good job 🙂 It feels so good to get nice and organized sometimes…all the time 🙂 Can't wait to see what you sew up.
Paula @ Sewy Stuff says
As a newbie, in love reading everyone's tips and ideas. And that Baby Jane fabric does look fun. Can't wait to see what you do with it!
Ramona says
I am going through my stash and getting all my stuff re-organized. It has been fun to re-discover stuff that has been packed away for awhile from my two moves in the last five years!
Phyllis says
I love to precut and prepare fabrics for a pattern. When the mood strikes, I can just sit down and sew. I am trying to finish UFO's but they seem to multiply. Do you have that problem? We are working in the garden today and then off to play this afternoon. Hope you have a wonderful weekend.
annieb says
I am a part-time Reference Librarian, and love the idea of having a text on fabric!!
Diane Kelsey says
What a great idea for new projects, to cut up the fabric and have it ready to start.
Jennie says
I do "quilt kits" too! I always do my cutting during General conference in April and October. Can't trust myself to stay awake if I sit on the couch and get comfy, so I set up a cutting station and prep quilts. Works great for me. Can't wait to see what you finish from your kits!
my Haven says
What a great idea to make kits like that! Might try that some day!
Chris S says
I can't wait to see what you make, I have a Simply Color jelly roll I don't know what to do with..
Sharrieboberry says
No, I hadn't seen Baby Jane yet. Oh my. I'm in trouble. It is lovely AND cute!
suemac says
I like to get quilt kits together too. The problem is I let them sit around before I get around to making them.
CathyK says
Doesn't it feel great to get things all tidy and organized?! I love that feeling! I can't wait to see what you make with those kits!
Deb@asimplelifequilts says
I like to pre cut too… then I'm all set for my favorite part – piecing!!
Joy Todora says
I love the diamond baby quilt you made! How can I get the pattern?
Abby says
Did you get all 6 quilts done on your retreat? Can't wait to see your hopscotch. I saw a pick on instagram and LOVE IT! I just won a bundle of Baby Jane – can't wait to see what you do with yours.