This weekend was a flying geese kind of weekend. I made a lot of them…160 to be exact. And they are small…they are cute now, but they will be even cuter when they are sewn together!
I used one Moda Candy pack of Miss Kate and added in some other Bonnie & Camille scraps to end up with the number I needed. I’ve made flying geese blocks using a variety of methods over the years; however, the smaller the unit, the more likely I am to use Monique Dillard’s “Fit to Be Geese” ruler.
When I make larger units, I usually don’t have a problem with accuracy. With small ones like these, though, it is really nice to have them a little bigger and be able to trim them down to exactly the correct size. You can tell in the photo above that there is a lot of extra white background fabric at the top–this all gets trimmed off. This method does take a little extra time, but to me it is worth it (plus the trimmings are so cute before I throw them away)!
The blocks above have all been trimmed to exactly the size I need…there shouldn’t be any cut off points in this quilt.
Thanks so much for stopping by!
Just Sew Sue says
Mine are pinned ready to sew. There are a lot of them!! I'm using two Bonnie & Camille ranges together.
Anina says
That's a lot of little blocks! Lovely fabrics.
I can't wait to see the quilt.
Mike Pearson says
I do it the same way. trim them later to make them more precise… it's great 🙂
Jayne Honnold says
You sure have piqued my interest! What a lot of patience required to get so many "units" made – this is the part that my impatience always rears its ugly head!
Sorcha girl says
Love the colors in "Miss Kate"!! I'm not proficient with Flying Geese but I can't wait to see what pattern so many geese will make.
Patti says
Love the colors and for once wish I had a shorter vacation and wish I was home so I could make some. Is there a pattern for this please? If not how big is this hoing to be when it's finished? Thanks P ???
Gai Butler says
Beautiful fabrics, as always. Can't wait to see what these little geese become a part of. 🙂
Jeanna says
Perfect flying geese. I would love to try that ruler. I've read about it on a couple of other blogs over the last year or so but I haven't taken the plunge to buy it yet.
Sherry says
They are cute for sure! Can't wait to see what you do with them.
cheryl robinson says
Are your Flying Geese 2" X 4" after trimming?
Julie Beard says
Looking so good. Love the fabrics too. I will be waiting for the follow-up blogs to see how your doing. Julie
OPQuilt says
You are so fun to read, and to see all the little treasures gathered up together is lovely. We simply watched our storm blow everything over to the ground (luckily not in our yard). Did you get the rain? (Hoping!)
Beverly says
Very nice! Your blog is a lot of fun to follow.
Sarah says
I love her rulers for geese and half and quarter squares. My accuracy has improved so much. Perfect points every time!