I’ve been thinking about sharing a few of my favorite things with you on Fridays. Sometimes I’ll share notions, rulers, and patterns. At other times I’ll share tips and ideas. So to get started, today I’d like to share five of my favorites! Please note: this is not a sponsored post…these are just items I’ve come to use on a regular basis–they make a quilting life so much easier!
First up is the Quilter’s Rule Quick Quarter and Quick Quarter 2. You can see from the photo above that they are identical, except that one is larger than the other. These little rulers are exactly ¼″ from the center line. So whenever you have a pattern that calls for you to draw a diagonal line and sew ¼″ from either side, you can use this method instead. You line up the center holes with the diagonal points of your fabric and draw a line along either side of the ruler. Then, when you sew, you just sew along both lines. These rulers make this method so much easier for me!
Next up on my favorites list is the Fit to be Quarter ruler by Monique Dillard of Open Gate Quilts. I don’t make a half-square triangle or quarter-square triangle without this. This ruler is so helpful. I’ve used other similar rulers, but this ruler allows you to size blocks accurately in a large range from small to larger blocks.
Paper Pieces…love these for their accuracy and simplicity. The 1 ½″ hexagon seems to be my favorite right now. I used to spend hours copying and cutting my own templates from freezer paper…what a timesaver these little papers are!
Another couple of rulers from Monique–her Fit to be Geese and Mini Fit to be Geese. You’ll never make a wonky goose again. Ever. Again, you have the options for a large range of sizes between these two cleverly designed rulers.
Finally, I’d like to receommend That Purple Thang. This little gadget is great for getting sharp points in corners on pillows and bags. I used to use pins and ended up sticking myself and bending lots of pins. This tool works great without causing any injury to the user.
So that’s my five favorites for today. I’m hoping to sew A LOT this weekend! Thanks for stopping by!
Archie the wonder dog says
I love the look of Monique's rulers – I'm gong to see if I can find a UK stockist! Thanks for a great post!
Victoria Paige @ Boutique Uniquely says
Monique's rulers look super helpful. Thanks for sharing your favorites.
Joann says
Thanks again Sherri, I have learned more from your blog than any other!
thea says
Some nice tools. I'm going to have to check them out.
Michelle @ the quilted tortoise says
I love the look of those rulers too! I only have 2 basic traditional rulers and I'd like to get some for different tasks. There are so many out there though it's hard to chose so a recommendation is a great thing!
Terriaw says
Love your favorites for today! I have a quilters rule and love it too! I've had a set of hexagon paper pieces for two years, and still haven't used them. That Purple Thang is funny! (I just use a wood knitting needle for poking the corners out.) Fun post!
rubyslipperz says
Great ideas!! Thanks for sharing! =)
Magnolia Bay Quilts says
Thanks so much for sharing the products you use. I have some of them, but some I've never even seen before. Have fun sewing this weekend!
Quilting "b" says
Thank you so much for sharing. This is a wonderful idea. I look forward to next Friday.
Chocolate Cat says
Oh I like the first one! and all of them actually, thanks, I'll look forward to fridays!
luciethehappyquilter says
Thanks for sharing that list. I uv the little tumbler background.
Thimbleanna says
Some great tools there Sherri! I've been wanting to get some of those 1/4" rulers for some time now — maybe this will be the year!
Cajame says
A lovely post. Have never come across the 1/4 inch rulers before. Something else to add to my wish list!
Josie McRazie says
maybe I will have to try out the geese ruler! My geese are not my friends and maybe, just maybe this will help me!! LOL Thank you for sharing!
Nicole says
Great gadget suggestions! My favorites are Monique's rulers for sure. I also love my Precision Trimmer ruler and my Easy Angle ruler. And what would I do without my Angler 2? I love this idea for a post!
Jean says
Thanks for the great list of gadgets. With so many tools out there, I don't know where to start with them. I will look forward to learning more about your favorites!
Laura G says
Thank you for the post. There are so many notions out there and it is nice to hear what others think about them and whether they are useful.
Sandra (Cherry Heart) says
This is such a great idea for a post. As a very new quilter myself, it's great to know what things you find useful. I love those little quick quarter rulers, they look brilliant. I shall look forward to seeing your other favourites!
S x
Cardygirl says
Love seeing your favourite tools!
Jo says
Hey Sherri. Any chance you could do a tute on using Monique's flying geese ruler. I have one but don't have a clue how to use it.
Wendy says
I'd like to try the flying geese ruler. You have some good favourites.
Abby says
I love your tumbler quilts. Do you use the go cutter to get your pieces? Do you think they are really worth the money? I've been thinking about getting one, but wonder if I would use it enough to make it worth it. Your thoughts please?
Shelly says
I LOVE Paper Pieces, and my Purple Thang! Thanx for the review.
ann says
I am looking forward to more of your favorites. I have Monique's Fit to be Square ruler and love it. But I haven't had the chance to use her others.