I had a chance to work on some Farmer’s Wife blocks this week…had a lot of fun making these! First up is block #87, Star Gardener. I eliminated some of the half-square triangles as shown in the book and substituted flying-geese blocks.
This is certainly a new favorite–block #27, Darting Birds. It took just a minute for me to pick out the cute birds in this block!
And here is block #53, Jackknife–an especially fun block in these Christmas prints!
Here are the this weeks Christmas version blocks together; I’ve decided to make this quilt a twin, so on I go…unless I change my mind before next week. I have 50 blocks and could make the lap-sized quilt now. But I’m having so much fun sewing with the bright colors that I think I’m going to keep going on this one!
And here are my Fig Tree versions…Star Gardener again.
Those adorable darting birds…
And Jackknife.
I’m having so much fun with these quilts…and I love seeing all the different versions being made, too!
I’ve got two nice-sized stacks of blocks. I’m trying not to think about the fact that if they were all in one fabric way I’d have enough for a queen-sized quilt by now. Have a wonderful weekend…and thanks so much for stopping by!
Digna says
Nice blocks Sherri.
Stephanie says
Although I'm not a Farmer's Wife I am enjoying following your progress. :o) So pretty.
Jackie says
Sherri, they are gorgeous! The fabric makes them look so different.
Lorri says
I love them! ANd I really love them in the Christmas colors. So pretty!
Khris78 says
I love seeing your blocks each week, such beautiful fabrics 🙂
Erin @ Why Not Sew? Quilts says
Your blocks look great! I have not made any for weeks. I really need to get back on track. Thanks for the inspirational push 🙂
CBH says
Can't wait to see more blocks. Very pretty both fabric combinations.
Lucky-1 says
Beautiful blocks. Love the colours you have used.
I am waiting till the beginning of the new year to start my FW quilt.I want to make sure I have all my currant projects finished for Christmas and not be running late…lol
Lesley says
I adore your blocks…both versions, and always look forward to your postings. Thanks for sharing such wonderful creativity!
Quilt Hollow says
Very nice!! You too..enjoy the weekend!
Dawn says
OMG….those are sooo lovely!! Great job. You do lovely work.
Mary on Lake Pulaski says
Very, very pretty Sherri! If I ever get some of these projects finished, I'd like to start the Farmer's Wife. You've inspired me.
The Quilting Cat Lady. says
The blocks are beautiful. Funny how my son said "hey there are people there" when he saw the darting bird block and that is so true when the block is on point.
Alda, Fl
Silvia says
How anise blocks Sherry,,, Thank you.
Have a nice week end an Hugs from Spain
trelly says
wonderful blocks Sherri!! I have to re-start my Farmers, I've been working a lot with the market (in Barcelona) and now I have time to enjoy my sewing projects…Tomorrow I'll make some blocks. Kisses from Spain
Shelley says
I love the Christmas ones 🙂 and don't forget about Thangles for all those HST blocks, especially if you need several of the same color combo.
Josie McRazie says
Isn't it nutz how the fabric makes such a great difference! The christmas ones the Jackknife just shoots off the page for me!!! And in the other print I L O V E the star!! Again a great week! Keep them coming!!
Archie the wonder dog says
I love seeing the difference the fabrics make to the block and I'm glad you're carrying on with the Christmas blocks!
Sandra says
Beautiful, beautiful blocks! I always love to see the ones you've made. My favourites are the star gardener in Flurry and Jack Knife in Fig Tree, but they're wonderful!
S x
Cardygirl says
Great blocks!
Maureen says
I love watching your Farmers blocks come along. I have the book but don't want to use templates. How are you able to get these done so fast?
Miss Nancy says
Your blocks are perfect! Thank you for sharing.
Have a super great sewing and stitching day.
poppyinpink says
I have wanted to do the blocks in FW and your work has encouraged me again to. These are just lovely and your choice of colours and the coordinating of prints, superb. Keep up the great work and you'll certainly have a quilt that will give you much pleasure, enjoy!
Anne Heidi says
Your blocks are lovely! I just got the book, Not sure when I'll find time to make some of these lovely blocks though… Just having the book is a start though- right?
AKnativewoman says
Sherri, I bought the book!! I've been checking out all your blocks for weeks now, they are so beautiful – all the color choices, and the blocks that you have been sharing with us just made me go get that book! After the holidays I'll be joining you in block-making . . . . love what you do!
radio controlled cars says
Once again I stumbled here, And like in your blog is the great description and excellent photographs which are very easy to understand. Will visit again soon.
nitro rc cars says
Complete plain fabric and those are great to attach with African prints. Yesterday, I bought lots of African prints and starting to create quilt on same plain fabrics.
Nanette Merrill says
Love your work, always. Trying to catch up with my friends.
Mama Pea says
I love seeing all the different versions of this, too. It's amazing how fabric choice just changes these blocks. It looks good in so many different fabrics!