Hello, friends! It’s podcast episode day, and I’m sharing the A Quilting Life Podcast Episode 34 Show Notes. We recently taped this episode and had a great conversation along with sharing some fun new items. Find all of the links and places to listen or watch below.

A Quilting Life Podcast Episode 34
Episode 34 Topics
In episode 34 we discussed traditional brick and mortar quilt shops. We shared some of our experiences with shops, some of our favorite shops, and also discussed what a Sherri-and-Chelsi imaginary shop would be like. We also shared that we will be taping several episodes later this month with special guests and can’t wait to share more details on those future episodes.
Episode 34 Links
- Summer Fun Block of the Month Quilt (on the wall)
- Sand Castles Quilt (on the table)
- Al Fresco Quilt (on the ladder)
- Curry Bungalow Pincushions
- Quilt Recipes by Jen Kingwell
Where to Listen/Watch the Podcast
Where to Find Sherri & Chelsi
- Sherri’s Blog (you are here)
- A Quilting Life Pattern Shop (Sherri’s)
- Chelsi’s Blog
- Chelsi’s Pattern Shop
- A Quilting Life Instagram
- Chelsi Stratton Instagram
- A Quilting Life YouTube Channel
- Sherri & Chelsi Facebook Group
A Quilting Life Podcast Next Episode
Finally, our next regular episode will air on Monday, August 23rd. I hope you enjoyed the Quilting Life Podcast Episode 34 Show Notes. Find all of the Show Notes posts for the earlier episodes of the Quilting Life Podcast here.
Rhonda from Iowa says
Could you direct me to the pictures of the pincushions that Curry Bungalow made for you? I cannot locate them when you stated you posted them on your blog from your show. Thank you.
sherri McConnell says
She hasn’t released those new pattern yet, but soon!