I know I’ve been sharing my Fat Quarter Shop Designer Mystery Block of the Month Quilt since…well…last June when the first block arrived.
I usually do pretty well at keeping up with block of the month projects, but I’ve tried a few new things with this one that have really helped me stay on track.
First of all I try to cut out my block the day it arrives. No matter what. I iron the block fabrics, cut them out, and keep them on a project board with the pattern so it’s ready to go. Usually I’ll also draw any lines necessary for corner-triangle pieces at this time as well. (The block above is block 10…yay)!
With this quilt I’ve been trying to work on a few setting pieces each month. Luckily this has been one of those projects that has bits and pieces that can be done in small amounts of time.
This is the first block in the final row of the quilt…it has left and right sashing attached, and the next block can be sewn to the row as soon as it’s finished. I also finished up some other sashing pieces and nine patches to have them ready for the bottom of the quilt.
It’s exciting seeing this project almost finished, and it’s even more exciting knowing that a lot of my setting has already been finished. Next month, when block 11 arrives, I plan to get my outer borders ready to go.
Scattered Threads says
Gorgeous quilt! I keep a running "to do" list to stay on top of ongoing projects. It has worked for me for years and if I deviate, nothing gets done.
Sharon Hughson says
I just started writing three goals on a white board that is in my studio. It reminds me what's on top of my important things to do.
Tina says
Adding the sashing when you complete a block is brilliant! I'm doing this BOM as well, and I've kept up with it each month, but I've not added the sashing – I was waiting until the blocks were all finished. I think adding the sashing as the blocks are complete is a great idea and will make the finishing/borders go super fast and really save time (and we all need more time to quilt!) so I'm going to follow your lead! Thanks so much for sharing!!
CathyK says
Great tips!! It sure looks pretty.
Barbara Sindlinger says
I've been pretty much keeping up with the blocks – didn't even think about starting the sashing. What a great idea. Thanks.
Sandie @ crazy'boutquilts says
That is a great tip! I often get behind, so I will try it. 🙂 I usually fly by the seat of my pants and my memory. LOL 😮 Have a happy day!
Susan Smith says
Beautiful quilt and great tips! I try to do any monthly quilts (schnibbles, small quilts, etc.) that are on my list as soon as possible so I don't get caught at the end of the month with several things to do. I do the same thing with any weekly quilt-a-longs that I'm participating in—if I can do them the day they are posted, I do. Even if it means setting aside something else I'm working on, I do that just to keep up. I have found that if I get behind, it is almost impossible to get caught back up.
I love your idea for doing the sashing along. That is always a big job at the end. Thanks for sharing!
Sinta Renee says
Good ideas! I will have to remember this! The blocks are adorable!
Cheryl says
Those are some good tips to keep on track.
Farm Gate Creations says
It is looking fabulous…yes, I am one of those people that fell off the track…I'll get back on soon enough.
KMSC says
I wish I had thought of sewing the sashing "as you go" with past BOMs. I have several BOM quilts I have never completed because the fun part (stitching the blocks) is over!
gailss says
Great idea Sherri and will keep that in mind for the next one….I do have my blocks done but haven' started the sashing so maybe will get going on those….your top looks great!
Lisa in Port Hope says
I have one block of the month on the go and I seem to be making two blocks, every other month, it just is easier to get out the fabric once to cut two blocks.
jan says
Nothing! I try each month and promise myself that next month I will be better organized but not happening! lol… I give up and just catch snatches of time here and there. But you have inspired me to try again next month!
xo jan
Wendy says
I always start out with big plans to get the blocks done each month. But usually it doesn't last and I do a couple at a sitting. Thanks for the tips.
pandchintz says
Oh Sherri, you are soooo organised!!
Kate says
Looking good! My sewing space is also my dining room table; wanting to eat at the table is good incentive to keep projects moving along. Though I reckon I'm off to my slowest start this year.
laurajane says
Looking beautiful,going to have to star putting mine together soon.x
Joy says
Your quilt top is looking really cute! I have a "to-do" list that I make monthly. However, I have been thinking of a way to make my projects more manageable. Thanks for the great tip!
Lesley says
Your blocks are all so gorgeous! Great idea to cut the pieces when it arrives and have it ready to sew!
Thimbleanna says
Ha! I don't stay on top of my current projects LOL. I love that you keep up with the sashing as you go along — so much easier in little bites rather than one big chunk. It's going to be beautiful!
Denice says
I love the setting! Great idea and cute quilt.
Sherry says
LOVE that block. Send me whatever energy drink you are using Sherri, I need your energy to get my projects done…LOL If I could hire a maid like Hazel to take over the whole house and I could sit & sew, I'd be a happy camper. 😉 Have a great week-end!
MamaDoc says
I keep a list by my sewing machine and work on several projects at once depending on how much time I have. I dislike cutting so getting that over with on the first day is brilliant! I would likely finish it that day too if I saw all those pieces just sitting there…
I also use desk trays and put everything for a small project or block in it. Then I can stack them on my desk and just bring the one I'm using over to the sewing machine.
Sarah says
Nothing as organised as you! I admire your time management and commitment to your sewing. Your BOM is looking great.