Well…Christmas was wonderful…the halls haven’t been “un-decked” yet, but I was anxious to get sewing again, and so I spent a good amount of time yesterday working on my “Tone it Down” quilt for the American Patchwork & Quilting Quilt Along. When I last posted I had completed just 3 of the 20 blocks, and I’ve now finished up 10! I am absolutely in love with this quilt!
As I mentioned in my previous posts, I first made a test block (or two or three) and then decided to utilize chain-piecing to get all of the small segments pieced for every block. I believe it really saved a lot of time. I also went through and made piles of the background pieces–making sure that there was a good mix of my different background fabrics in each pile.
On Friday I went over to Camille’s to sew, and the plan for the day was that we would both work on this quilt. It really is fun working on a project with a friend so you can talk about different ideas. I was able to watch as Camille played with the layout of her sashings and began sewing her quilt together. And she was able to give me some great tips! As I started to lay out a block on the floor…she suggested I just put all of the pieces for one block in individual piles right at my sewing area. Then, with a quilt diagram right in front of me I could easily chain piece the sections together.
She suggested sewing the first two sections in row one then the first two sections in row two followed by the first two sections in row three…and so on. Then I went back and added the third section to each row, continuing on until all the rows had the proper sections. Since I had the block diagram right in front of me everything stayed in proper order. I took the whole chain-pieced block to the ironing board, ironed every piece toward the background fabrics, and then returned to my machine to sew the rows together.
This method went incredibly fast, and when I got home I put together 6 more blocks in no time at all!
So here I am…10 more blocks to make…all of them stacked up in neat little piles. I think I might be able to finish up the blocks this afternoon!
I am really in love with the quilt. All of my blocks don’t have the perfect contrast, but I love them anyway! I’m pretty partial to chain quilts, and this one is perhaps the prettiest design I’ve made.
Camille snapped this photo with her phone when we were sewing yesterday…I just had to post it because her fabric shelves in the background are just so dreamy!
Okay…here are the links to the other AP&Q “Quilt-a-Long” blogs. Each quilter is making a stunning version of this project, and they all have wonderful tips and insights to share. No matter your preferred style, you are sure to find a version of this quilt that inspires you, so be sure to visit these blogs and look for their Quilt A Long posts.
Thanks so much for stopping by!
Amy Ellis from Amy’s Creative Side
Anne Sutton of Bunny Hill Designs
Camille Roskelley of Simplify
Carrie Nelson of La Vie En Rosie
Jane Davidson of Quilt Jane
Kimberly Jolly of the Fat Quarter Shop Jolly Jabber
Lisa Bongean of Primitive Gatherings
Lissa Alexander–Moda Lissa (the quilt designer)
and Jennifer Keltner, executive editor of American Patchwork & Quilting, at All People Quilt
Karin says
oh, how could you NOT be in love with that! It's American Jane prints afterall! Love love love!
Micki Clemens says
I reallylikethat pattern too. It's making up nicely in your color choices. What is the name of the pattern ? Micki
Micki Clemens says
I reallylikethat pattern too. It's making up nicely in your color choices. What is the name of the pattern ? Micki
carol fun says
Love love love your version of this quilt! I have a nice stash of those American Jane fabrics and this quilt is moving up on my list of quilts I want to make in 2014. Happy New Year!
Auntie Pami says
I still can't decide if I want to bust my AJ bundles. I do have alternates, but I'm torn. Glad you are almost done. Then, the fun part-quilting!
Grandmasewnsew says
Thanks for sharing what you're doing with this. I was so conflicted about what low-volume fabrics would work but seeing that you have a nice mix makes it easier for me to forge ahead! And your blocks are GREAT!
Shay says
I love your blocks! And, I have to ask, how do you know Camille? Just curious 🙂
Nita says
Oh, I have always wanted to make a Burgoyne Surround! I will have to keep my out for this magazine.
Jeanna says
It's a lovely quilt Sherri. Wow there are so many pieces in each block, good thing you have an efficient process to keep it all straight.
Litamora's Quilt & Design says
Your blocks looks so nice! This will be a gorgeous quilt! Can't wait to see the finished one!
Happy sewing 🙂
Missy Shay says
I am going to have to add that quilt to my wish list! I love the colors you are using.
ChristaQuilts says
I love it Sherri! You are so good at picking out fabrics 🙂
Lori Landenburger says
Sew sweet and I love that pic of you:) happisewingness:)
Thimbleanna says
Wow Sherri — I'm loving your version — the way you're placing the colors is perfect! Love that pic of you too!
Anne Heidi says
Your blocks are so pretty! Love your fabric choices! Chain piecing is definately the way to go with so many pieces… 🙂
Michele says
It really is turning out gorgeous.
Brita says
I'm so glad you and others are posting about this project. I've been so sidetracked by Christmas that I completely forgot about it. The hard part now is to decide between some hoarded, I mean stashed, Fig Tree prints, or completely scrappy. Love your fabrics, and am so motivated by seeing yours and all the others! I really have a hard time toning down, I'm more about amping up!
Nedra says
How fun that you are already sewing at Camille's. And if I had time to think of other projects besides TOAR, I would start that quilt! Love it!
moosecraft says
Absolutely beautiful! Love the fabrics and color way you have chosen… reminds me of a warm sunny afternoon…
It's a very lovely quilt Sherri I love it!!!! thanks for your whises and for your visit to my blog
MERRY CRHITMAS for you from Pamplona (Sapin) grettins!
Wendy says
Such fun to sew with a friend like Camille. I've made one scrappy block and was looking for tips on speeding up the piecing. Not sure I follow but will try.
Farm Gate Creations says
Those shelves full of fabrics are definitely dreamy.