Today I went to the post office and there was a package from Nanette! Inside was one of her darling house ornaments and the cutest potholder I’ve ever seen! This potholder will never touch a casserole dish or a cookie sheet…it’s a work of art and is going on the wall! Nanette also sent a kit I ordered from her. In February I get to travel to Ruby’s Inn at Bryce Canyon and take Nanette’s “All Dressed Up” class! Nanette sent the most wonderful fabrics–each one is a treasure. It crossed my mind that maybe I should just frame these fabrics and not put them in a quilt…but…I have to make the quilt! Along with the fabrics Nanette sent the cutest ribbons and tiniest buttons to embellish my blocks!
Wednesday I saw this post at Simply This That & The Other. She showed several “whirlygiggle” quilts. Now I love the “whirlygiggle” quilts, but I had never heard the word ‘whirlygiggle’ before. I remembered I had purchased this pattern from Camille right before Christmas, so I got it out and sure enough, right on the back of the pattern Camille calls the blocks “whirlygiggles.” I made a few blocks with Mary Englebreit’s “Isn’t Christmas Jolly”… and I LOVE this pattern! As soon as I finish this one I’ll definitely be making another!
Stephanie says
Great mail Sherri! I’d definitely hang the potholder up instead of using it!!! I LOVE the whirligigs. I made a fall quilt and a polka dot baby quilt using the whirligig template. So easy and fast! I see you’re getting a jumpstart on Christmas. :o)
QuiltedSimple says
What great mail! I too would be hanging that pot holder up – it’s entirely too cute!
jacquie says
who could not love something with a great name like whirlygiggle. i adore this! yours is going to be great. have fun!
Stina says
Fantastic mail…and I would have done the same… up on the wall…;o)
Hmmm..need to try out that pattern too someday! :o)
Anne Sutton says
Hi Sherri! You have some of the cutest projects going! I love them and I LOVE your choice of colors. Such a cute blog, I added you to my favorites. I’ll be visiting often for sure!
Jane's Fabrics and Quilts says
Oh you get to take a class with Nanette, darn I am so jealouse!! Love the potholder and Stephanie is right, it would never touch a pan! happy day for you. Love the quilt, I have been seeing them all over blogland.
Nanette Merrill and daughters says
Whirlygigs are very fun. I’ve not made any for a while. You are so kind. Thank you for enjoying the fabrics and things. Sweet of you to post about them. I am busy busy getting ready for Bryce. It will be so nice to get away for a bit. Thank you again.
Carrie P. says
Wasn’t it great fun going through those charms? I bought one of those from her too. Oh, I wish I could take Nanette’s class too. I have the patten, I guess I will just have to do it by myself.
Simone de Klerk says
I love the idea of framing fabrics you really love!
The whirlygiggle name is perfect. It makes you smile I think while working on it. I’ve never tried this one before!
Happy weekend
Christine says
I adore the potholder and agree … it has to go on the wall. Way too cute to use! Love your whirlygiggle blocks too. Will make a very cute quilt.
Eileen says
You are so lucky going to Nanette’s class! I wish I could go too. What a nice package of things in the mail.
I’ve been seeing so many of these quilts lately too. I made one years ago that was similar, but only more triangle like.. these with the square edged pinwheels are so adorable.
Karen says
I have never heard the term Whirlygiggles but have made the quilt blocks before. They are easy sewing. That is a cute term.
Mel says
Fun stuff! I’m still giggling over the wristlet!! Thanks Sherri!
Sinta says
I have been wanting to make that pattern!@#*!@* I did the same 4-patch with my leftovers from Merry-go-round also. I love your colors:)