I’m home from my whirlwind trip to International Quilt Market in Houston! I had an amazing time and have lots to share! I’ll have to break it into a few posts to try and get everything in! First of all, the downtown area was beautiful…I’m actually from Houston but haven’t been there in many years, so I was pretty interested just to have a look around!
The downtown skyline was gorgeous too…this is a view from the pool at our hotel (located on a balcony of the 6th floor)!
You probably want to see the fabric as soon as possible; I’ll have lots of that to share, but first I have to post about the people! Everywhere you went people were friendly and passionate about quilting and fabric! I truly appreciated getting to talk to people from all over the world who love this art as I do!
I was able to participate in a SchoolHouse session and two book signings for the new Moda Bakeshop Book Sweet Celebrations with Moda Bakeshop Chefs: 35 Projects to Sew from Jelly Rolls, Layer Cakes, Fat Quarters, Charm Squares & More. Although all of the contributors weren’t able to be at market, it was so much fun to meet the ones who were able to attend. Pictured above are: (back, left to right) Angela Yosten, Stefanie Roman, Mary Brown, and Melissa Corry; (front, left to right) April Rosenthal, Natalia Bonner, Aneela Hoey, Me, and Jane Davidson! Lissa isn’t in my picture, but she was the creative genius behind this project!
I was also able to finally meet Kate Spain in person! I have been inspired by her designs and have been sewing with her fabrics since she became a Moda designer. She has always been so kind and sweet in her e-mails, and I’m happy to report she is just as amazing in person! I really enjoyed visiting with her!
I was also able to meet the very inspirational Kaari Meng! I have been following her blog for a while now and love each and every one of her French General fabric collections for Moda. Again, she is just so nice and kind and wonderful to talk to!
I was also hoping to meet Jackie and was actually able to run into her several times! I even saw her again at the airport when I was leaving! I wish we had been able to sit and talk–she always inspires me with her fabulous quilting, incredible quilts, and her use of color in her designs!
Just before leaving I was able to meet Sina of Quilt Essentials and get one last picture with her and Aneela (wearing one of the Tova tops she made–I’m making this pattern asap)! At this point I was pretty sad to be leaving…I could have easily stayed for the entire market and had plenty to see and do!
I couldn’t end this post without a pictured of Mary Jane’s restored teardop trailer featuring her new fabric line Glamping for Moda! I was able to meet and talk with Mary Jane, and someone took a photo…I’ll have to see if I can track that down! Anyway, I’ve read her magazine for a few years, and it was so wonderful to meet her (not to mention the fact that her new fabric is as cute as can be)!
The Moda booth won first prize for the best multi-booth, and I think this trailer display contributed to their winning. I also loved the Moda theme which was: “My Favorite Color is Moda!”
And speaking of color, color really did seem to be the thing that stood out the most when looking at all of the beautiful displays! I’ll be back soon to share fabric and quilts, but I’ll leave you with my Sample Spree purchases…from left to right PB & J by Basic Grey for Moda, Posy by Aneela Hoey for Moda, and Glamping by Mary Jane Butters for Moda. Pictured in front is a color case of amazing Aurifil threads…a small rainbow of my favorite thread for my sewing room!
I hope that everyone who lives in the path of Sandy is safe and doing well…it seemed like so many market attendees were scurrying to get home before the storm; my thoughts and prayers go out to you!
Thanks so much for stopping by!
Julia says
Sherri, thanks so much for the pictures. Looks like you had a fabulous time!!
Nanette Merrill says
Always always love to hear market reports. Look forward to more. And I want you to break out that glamping fat pack. I want to see the fabrics!!
Jean(ie) says
More reports! The last few markets have been kinda ho-hum… this one looked fun. any new innovations?
Love the trailer. Judging from all the pics, it was definitely a huge hit!
Laura says
Thank you so much for sharing your photos. I so wish I had been there!!!
Carrie P. says
Looks like you had a great time. I would love to have seen Mary Jane's camper.
kristyne says
Sweetie, meeting you was a Market highlight for me. 🙂 Sooo so glad we found each other among all those thousands of people! xo
Sinta Renee says
Oh the fun! I love the pictures… I have been to market a couple of times (sample spree was crazy fun)… that was before blogging… it would be fun to see the people and connect the dots now.
Happy Cottage Quilter says
Thanks for the pictures. Market looks like fun and very tiring.
CJ says
Thanks for sharing some of your pictures and commentary on Quilt Market. Give us a close-up of those fabrics you bought at Sample Spree!!!
I'd like to see more pictures if you have them too. It must have been so much fun and inspiration overload. 🙂
Anita says
Cute pics! I soo would have have been starstruck if I had met some of those people! Oh, and my favorite color is Moda 🙂
trish says
Hi Sherri. Welcome home!! :o) Thank you for sharing your pictures with us. It was so fun to see faces and hear your stories.
I also enjoy reading Mary Janes Farm, and how amazing you were able to meet her! What an adorable camper and display. It would have been my number one vote!! :o)
Lori Holt says
Hi Sherri…it sounds like you had the most wonderful of times…yay!
I loved seeing all of the photos…you are so cute in every one of them:)
Can't wait to see more!
suemac says
Thanks for sharing pictures. I had several friends going and followed them on instagram but it is nice to see larger pictures.
Patti says
Thanks for sharing Sherri and isn't Aneela just the sweetest person you have ever met??? She is a complete doll.
Lesley says
Thanks so much for sharing your adventures! Really nice to meet the people like you who inspire us everyday with designs, patterns, and inspiration.
Sandie @ crazy'boutquilts says
Great photo's! Can I be just a little green? ;-)LOL Love your finds!
Jackie says
You covered a ton of ground! I am so glad we ran into each other… several times… too! You made out at sample spree. I agree next time we meet up, we need to set aside some time to sit and have a cuppa!
corinne says
I love the photos, it is so much fun to put a face with the designer
Margaret says
Thanks for the fun post, Sherri. I'm glad you had a wonderful time.
Ramona says
You look fabulous in blue! Can't wait to see the new fabric lines. So envious!
CathyK says
Great pictures! Looks like you had a great time meeting people. Quilters really are the best people! Can't wait to see what you make with your new fabric and thread!!!! 🙂
Mama Pea says
I am so happy you had a wonderful time. I wish I could have gone! Love your purchases. You lucky girl! 😉
Nedra says
Looks like a fabulous time! So glad you were able to go and rub shoulders with so many talented people.
Kim Walus says
It looks like you had a great time and enjoyed yourself. Have a Happy Halloween. Thanks for sharing and I hope you have move pictures to show us in another post. I love how it makes you feel like you were there.
Fabric Quilt Shop says
I was also at market. Mary Jane was wonderful and so sad Lissa couldn't be in your picture she is just wonderful. Did you get to attend Moda's party? It was so great and lots of fun.
Beverly says
Oh, how lucky you all are to be able to meet and talk. I love the colors so much. Can wait to see more.
Mary says
I did not realize Glamping was a fabric…I thought it was just a theme for the booth! I only realized it was fabric when I was watching Designer videos. It looks SO cute…right up my alley. So many of these people I did not even see. I guess I was in visual overload!
Glenna @ Hollyhock Quilts says
Love seeing your market pics! Just leaving Houston from festival now. Exhausting as usual but great to see old friends. So glad you finally got there!
Thimbleanna says
Ohmygosh — I so wish I had been there! It's been fun to see you with people I've met before — since I also met you, it's like the puzzle pieces are now fitting together. I met you and Kristyne both in Salt Lake — it's funny you two didn't meet then LOL.
Looks like you snagged some good stuff. I'm itching to get some of that glamping, among others!