Happy Thursday! It’s the Fat Quarter Shop Snapshots Quilt Along day, and I’m happy to be able to share today’s block…luckily I made this block early knowing how busy I was going to be at this time. I pieced it about a month ago, and when I pulled it out to photograph it I remembered how cute it is!
This month’s adorable Gone Surfin’ block has to be one of my favorites…who wouldn’t love a car like this one! It reminds me of the year my husband and I lived in California and went to the beach every weekend (before kids)!
As usual, you can download the free pattern from the Fat Quarter shop here. (Check back later in the day if the link pattern hasn’t been uploaded yet on the Fat Quarter Shop Jolly Jabber blog).
And now we only have two blocks left to make (can you believe it…this year has sure flown by). I’m pretty excited to get this quilt all finished up, so it’s on the list for “projects to do” after I return home from market.
Speaking of market…I got word that I can share everything with you on Monday…so excited! I actually ended up making one more quilt and am taking it to be quilted today.
Remember to stop by these other blogs to see more versions of today’s block:
Bonnie Olaveson of Cotton Way
Pat Sloan of The Voice of Quilting
Lori Holt of Bee in My Bonnet
Natalia Bonner of Piece N Quilt
Greg Jones of Grey Dogwood Studios
Jessie Fincham of Messy Jesse
Sondra Davison of Out of the Blue Quilts
Angie Wilson of Gnome Angel
PS…Craftsy has quilting kits for around $20 or less (not including shipping) that are perfect for holiday gift-making…you can see them here!
Thanks so much for stopping by!
Natitxu says
Me encanta. Te sigo, no quiero perderme tus trabajos.
Un beso
Hildy says
Love your car! Just two more blocks to go … what happend to this year!?!
And can it please be monday tomorrow? Please:-)